Hello! How are you? I am not fine, but hope the best for you. Ah! I
forgot to tell you who I am. Well, my name is ‘Anonymous’. I am in my early
youth. I smoke. I am addicted. I am not ashamed of it. And that’s sad. Really
It’s been a while since me and my pals started smoking, the four of us. We
smoke together even now, but only three of us. The fourth one is out of
station. He just discovered he had lung cancer. Doc said it was due to smoking.
His parents were freaked out. Father is approaching his retirement age, poor
old man. He kept blaming himself, saying that he passed the habit to his son.
We, however knew, that our friend used to smoke only because he found it cool.
It was sad. Really sad.http://thehungover.tumblr.com/post/25506936877/smokersapology?fb_action_ids=10150978809637767&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=timeline_og
I still hear stories from people where they talk about people smoking because
it looks, sounds, feels or whatever, ‘cool’. Dafuk? What is cool in that? A guy
sucking on to a small little stick full of dry grass is cool? I don’t think so.
A guy who necessarily needs a cigarette after work or class aint cool
man. Certainly not. A man who can’t run a cross-country lap, and every time he
tries to do so, ends up panting and asking for a cigarette, he aint no cool. A
guy who needs a puff every time he is frustrated, who needs a puff every time
he is under pressure, that bitch aint cool man. A person who can’t make whiskey
wet his throat without a smoke? Chuck the cool, he ain’t no fucking man, man. A
guy who depends on cigarettes to handle difficult situations of his life, he
looks cool? Not to me. Trading currency with rolled crushed leaves in paper,
just to burn and suck on it and make yourself vulnerable to shitload of
diseases aint cool. We are scared every time we smoke, scared that no one sees
us, no one finds out, specially our parents. We are paranoid, is that cool? No,
it’s not. That, my friend, is sad.
This cancer guy, the friend of mine I told you about, he had a girlfriend. They
broke up two months back, because he couldn’t quit smoking, even after the girl
said that it would either be his cigarette, or her. Today, when he is out
there, sick, dying, it’s not the cigarette that’s crying, it’s still the girl.
And mind you, it’s not that my friend didn’t love the chick, rather it’s the
bloody struggle you have to do to quit smoking. It starts easy. But ends ugly,
if it ever does. It is shit hard to quit. We’ve all tried, and lost. Only a few
percent succeed in quitting. I have seen people as aged as 80 years smoking,
despite knowing that it just brings the dusk of their life closer. And that, is
We often went to this friend’s apartment to smoke, on his terrace. Not just
because of the fresh air and privacy, but because it gave us a clear view of
the balcony of a super-hot chick in that building. Man, she was inhumanly sexy,
recently married, like an year back. Looked sexier when pregnant. And guess
what, she also smoked, just like us. But I heard she committed suicide
after she gave birth to an incompletely formed baby or something like that, which
died right after birth. Docs said it was due to smoking. And that, my friend,
is sad.
People say look at Eminem, he smokes. Look at Charlie Sheen, he smokes. Look at
Shah Rukh Khan, he smokes. And all of them look so cool when they smoke. Stupid
ass! Eminem’s rap make him cool, Sheen’s wit does the work for him, and SRK’s
acting plays its part in the cool factor. How can a small stick make a man look
cool? And now that we are talking about sticks, let me tell you, smoking can
cause trouble to your little stick down there too, buddy! Yes, smoking can
actually affect the manhood/womanhood and its symbols that you might be so
proud of. And that, is sad.
So, what is good about it? If nothing, then why the fuck do so many asses smoke
all the time? Well, they made a mistake by starting, and now they are being
charged for the mistake for the rest of their life. Yes, nicotine adds up into
your blood once you become regular. And whenever you try to stop/quit, the
nicotine level lowers, and well, you start craving and feeling uneasy. Ask me,
I have been through that, lot of times. When I tried to quit, I couldn’t sleep,
take a shit, study, or anything man! And hence, I started again. Yes, that is
sad too.
Well, writing this letter required three smokes. I hope you understand that it
wasn’t an easy thing to do for me, and hence, will consider the point I was
trying to make all the way long. Smoking is not cool/fun/interesting/
helpful/advantageous/ healthy in any way. It kills. So, enjoy your smoking-free
life(or try quitting on lack thereof). And never say yes to a cigarette. Not
*Note to the reader: This article didn’t
just come out randomly. What forced me to write this thing was an incident that
happened with me. I was back home from college, and this little girl,
sister-likes of mine, an year younger, was caught smoking by me. Apparently
looked cool, and also someone said that it helps in reducing stress. I told her
all that I should have, only to catch her smoking the very next day again. All
I had with me, after that, was regret.